We can see the negative impacts on our young people caused by the withdrawal of sex education in our schools. Without such a framework for information and education, young people find their answer through their colleagues who have found online or in porn. Just great! In addition, Sexually Transmitted Infections "Through the blood are increasing and there is a resurgence of diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. In late May 2010, the National Director of Public Health Canada, said that increases in sexually transmitted diseases, through the blood represent an epidemic according to the latest report on the health of Canadians. And who are most affected? Our youth. It is urgent to act. To guide youth to make good decisions about their sex life contribute greatly to be responsible adults and help them have a happy and satisfying sex life.
First, listening to them. They ask questions, even in its infancy, but often these questions are about development and changes in their bodies. Want to know how it happens in others and want to know more about themselves to know if they are normal. Feel free to leave their desks in their rooms informational books on sexuality, of course, you must have read and approved themselves before the move to their loved ones. You can find written by various authors in their own library, or buy online. Study of the reactions of their children, due to bad influences-marking behavior: aggression, anger or withdrawal without explanation. In short, any sudden or gradual change may be suspect. Then, check and make sure your child does not become addicted to Internet.
The main signs of this unit are:
1. He'd rather retire to his room to surf the Internet instead of outdoor activities (or other activities he loved before);
2. He becomes anxious if you can not go to the computer for a specified period (eg during a weekend);
3. You feel anger if you limit your Internet access periods;
4. You can scream, get angry, or become rude and insulting if disturbed;
5. Seems depressed, amorphous, concerned or nervous, even, but as soon as found on the Internet all their problems seem to be solved;
All these signs should be taken seriously. Not only adults who become addicted to the Internet, children can become addicted too. And unfortunately, there are always witnesses to gather information on the Internet. Let us be vigilant and we will vote for a return to sex education in schools.
Nocturnal emissions
Once children have reached the age of puberty, they begin to have erections and nocturnal emissions. It is important to realize that this is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed. Nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams" are the result of ejaculation of semen during sleep often caused by a dream of sexual nature. They may also have a strong desire to masturbate. All perfectly natural. Parents should be careful not to give their sons or daughters in the sense that masturbation and wet dreams are "dirty" or unnatural. Parents more matter-of fact, are about the attitudes of their children will be healthy for her.
Not only physical
It is important that children are made to understand the emotional aspects of sex. Thus, while most schools usually organize a conference on the subject, these conversations tend to be very impersonal and clinical and limited to the physical sex. Teenagers have to understand that the decision of sexual activity should not be a coincidence. A person's first sexual experience is an event of great personal significance and should happen when he or she is prepared. Parents should explain to their children that they can be attracted by several people in your life, some may be mere whim, while others can become long-term relationships. Teens should understand that their bodies are their own to do as they see fit, according to your wishes and after exercise sanity. However, should never have sex or engage in any other form of physical contact under pressure from another person, or to please someone else. There is a common misconception among parents that open communication about sexual feelings and sexual acts have the effect of increasing the likelihood that young people are sexually active. By contrast, parents who discuss sex openly, naturally, are merely equipping their children with the skills needed for when they decide they are ready to become sexually active, take an informed decision and understand its consequences. Many children go through life with warped ideas about sex merely because their parents were too embarrassed to talk about it. These children are left to gather the fragmented information from friends, books and the media and the conclusions they draw need not be correct.
Not only physical
It is important that children are made to understand the emotional aspects of sex. Thus, while most schools usually organize a conference on the subject, these conversations tend to be very impersonal and clinical and limited to the physical sex. Teenagers have to understand that the decision of sexual activity should not be a coincidence. A person's first sexual experience is an event of great personal significance and should happen when he or she is prepared. Parents should explain to their children that they can be attracted by several people in your life, some may be mere whim, while others can become long-term relationships. Teens should understand that their bodies are their own to do as they see fit, according to your wishes and after exercise sanity. However, should never have sex or engage in any other form of physical contact under pressure from another person, or to please someone else. There is a common misconception among parents that open communication about sexual feelings and sexual acts have the effect of increasing the likelihood that young people are sexually active. By contrast, parents who discuss sex openly, naturally, are merely equipping their children with the skills needed for when they decide they are ready to become sexually active, take an informed decision and understand its consequences. Many children go through life with warped ideas about sex merely because their parents were too embarrassed to talk about it. These children are left to gather the fragmented information from friends, books and the media and the conclusions they draw need not be correct.
Teens and sex
Parents who have passed the "where do babies come from?" stage usually breathe a sigh of relief, thinking it's the end of it. But the topic of sex is bound to rear its head once again when their children reach puberty. This is the stage in life when girls start developing breasts, hips widen and begin to menstruate. Children see an increase in body hair, their voices crack, penis and testicles grow and begin to have nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams." Suddenly, the sons and daughters to be impossible to cope. They are constantly susceptible and irritable, like the glory of being contrary and love to play the rebel. This is the time when most parents want their children were babies again.
Most teenagers become very conscious and sensitive about the way they look and the changes in their bodies. Parents need to help their children adjust to their sexually maturing an
d changing bodies. This is the stage in life when children need to be informed about sexuality, sexual intercourse and its consequences. Some teenagers may bring up the topic themselves directly or indirectly. Sometimes parents may have to take the initiative to address the issue. If as a parent, one is shy when talking about a private issue as a child, say what you feel. This will serve to put the parent and child at ease.
The period marks the onset of puberty in girls. Sometimes the girls start to menstruate before they are told or are aware of what it means. One can only imagine how a young man feels when he discovers she is bleeding and has no idea what is happening. Therefore it is essential that mothers discuss menstruation and its implications with their daughters all the time hoping that girls begin to menstruate. The tone that mothers make when discussing menstruation affect the attitudes of their daughters to it. Some mothers describe it as a curse, some mothers are embarrassed and 'keywords' to refer to it, others emphasize that it is a "sensitive" period for women. The fact is that menstruation is a normal bodily process and not in any way prevent a woman to continue with their daily routine. While some women experience cramping, a feeling of swelling and breast pain, these symptoms are rarely severe enough to give life to a standstill. When a girl is on the threshold of womanhood should not feel fear, shame or resentment. Mothers should give their daughters the impression that menstruation is a rite of passage, a part of growth and something that was expected.
Most teenagers become very conscious and sensitive about the way they look and the changes in their bodies. Parents need to help their children adjust to their sexually maturing an

The period marks the onset of puberty in girls. Sometimes the girls start to menstruate before they are told or are aware of what it means. One can only imagine how a young man feels when he discovers she is bleeding and has no idea what is happening. Therefore it is essential that mothers discuss menstruation and its implications with their daughters all the time hoping that girls begin to menstruate. The tone that mothers make when discussing menstruation affect the attitudes of their daughters to it. Some mothers describe it as a curse, some mothers are embarrassed and 'keywords' to refer to it, others emphasize that it is a "sensitive" period for women. The fact is that menstruation is a normal bodily process and not in any way prevent a woman to continue with their daily routine. While some women experience cramping, a feeling of swelling and breast pain, these symptoms are rarely severe enough to give life to a standstill. When a girl is on the threshold of womanhood should not feel fear, shame or resentment. Mothers should give their daughters the impression that menstruation is a rite of passage, a part of growth and something that was expected.
The beginnings of sexual education
"Dad, why is the sky blue?" "Mom, where is the sun at night?" And suddenly, then, like a bolt from the blue - "Mom, where do babies come from?" This question usually leaves parents squirming with embarrassment and trying to pass the ball to the other parent. Teaching children the facts of life, speaking of the birds and bees, is something that most parents are not very comfortable. Actually, this is a very narrow view of sex education. It is not only embarrassing to have a chat, private with their children or giving them a book or be given a lecture at the school complete with diagrams. Sex does not begin and end with sex. Intercourse can say that the most intimate way in which men and women relate to each other. However, there is only one aspect of the relationship between men and women. In fact, children are learning about sexuality from the time they can tell the difference between boys and girls. They also receive signals from the different ways in which parents relate to children and how parents interact. Thus, children whose parents have a bad marriage will be very difficult to think that sex is based on love and mutual respect.
"Where do babies come from?"
Parents can expect the "dreaded" question of the origin of babies at the age of three. The question stems from natural curiosity. Parents should note that a level of three years of age, understanding is very simplistic. The child is too young to understand the concept of sexuality. The child may be satisfied if the mother says the baby grows into a special place in your body called the uterus or womb and after nine months out. The next question is probably going to be - "How does the baby go?" The only way a child is aware of how things get in is through eating. Therefore, a simple answer that explains that the baby grows from a tiny seed planted in the womb should be sufficient. If children want to know the father's role in the process, mothers can explain that the father put the seed inside the mother. As to how babies out, children can be told that once the baby has grown enough in the mother who leaves a special opening called the vagina. May be a good idea to specify that this opening is different from urination and defecation.
Sex education is something that happens in stages. A three year old could be satisfied if it simply said that the father provides the seed that grows into a baby. However, the time is five, you might want to know exactly how it got there. Once again, parents should remember that it is simple. After all, is only five. Explain that the seeds from the penis of the father and placed in the uterus where the baby will grow over the next nine months.
Some children do not raise the issue at all. The parents of these children assume that their children are particularly innocent. But in all likelihood, the parents of these children have been felt, probably unintentionally, that the question of how babies are made is somehow taboo and not open to discussion. These parents should keep their ears open for indirect questions, hints and tricks which indicate that the child is curious, but afraid to ask a direct question. For example, a child can always make fun of pregnant mother saying she is fat or a girl can ask your mother and her dog had puppies. Parents must realize that their children are shy about asking questions directly and use these opportunities to explain a little about human reproduction.
Some parents prefer fiction to fact when discussing sex with their children. A common euphemism used by parents is that a stork or an angel brought the baby. These stories tend to be counterproductive because the child can see evidence that the baby grows in the womb every day. The children immediately feel that their parents are being evasive on the subject and he is bound to uncover the truth, sooner or later. Parents are in danger of losing their confidence because you are not sure when they might chose to lie or tell half-truths again. Moreover, the question of how babies are made acquires considerable importance highlighted via the nervous and embarrassed parents. Receives the message that the issue is something to be ashamed. Another result of this approach is that the child may hesitate to discuss things that upset with his parents in the future because you are not sure of the answer you get.
"Where do babies come from?"
Parents can expect the "dreaded" question of the origin of babies at the age of three. The question stems from natural curiosity. Parents should note that a level of three years of age, understanding is very simplistic. The child is too young to understand the concept of sexuality. The child may be satisfied if the mother says the baby grows into a special place in your body called the uterus or womb and after nine months out. The next question is probably going to be - "How does the baby go?" The only way a child is aware of how things get in is through eating. Therefore, a simple answer that explains that the baby grows from a tiny seed planted in the womb should be sufficient. If children want to know the father's role in the process, mothers can explain that the father put the seed inside the mother. As to how babies out, children can be told that once the baby has grown enough in the mother who leaves a special opening called the vagina. May be a good idea to specify that this opening is different from urination and defecation.
Sex education is something that happens in stages. A three year old could be satisfied if it simply said that the father provides the seed that grows into a baby. However, the time is five, you might want to know exactly how it got there. Once again, parents should remember that it is simple. After all, is only five. Explain that the seeds from the penis of the father and placed in the uterus where the baby will grow over the next nine months.
Some children do not raise the issue at all. The parents of these children assume that their children are particularly innocent. But in all likelihood, the parents of these children have been felt, probably unintentionally, that the question of how babies are made is somehow taboo and not open to discussion. These parents should keep their ears open for indirect questions, hints and tricks which indicate that the child is curious, but afraid to ask a direct question. For example, a child can always make fun of pregnant mother saying she is fat or a girl can ask your mother and her dog had puppies. Parents must realize that their children are shy about asking questions directly and use these opportunities to explain a little about human reproduction.
Some parents prefer fiction to fact when discussing sex with their children. A common euphemism used by parents is that a stork or an angel brought the baby. These stories tend to be counterproductive because the child can see evidence that the baby grows in the womb every day. The children immediately feel that their parents are being evasive on the subject and he is bound to uncover the truth, sooner or later. Parents are in danger of losing their confidence because you are not sure when they might chose to lie or tell half-truths again. Moreover, the question of how babies are made acquires considerable importance highlighted via the nervous and embarrassed parents. Receives the message that the issue is something to be ashamed. Another result of this approach is that the child may hesitate to discuss things that upset with his parents in the future because you are not sure of the answer you get.
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