Once children have reached the age of puberty, they begin to have erections and nocturnal emissions. It is important to realize that this is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed. Nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams" are the result of ejaculation of semen during sleep often caused by a dream of sexual nature. They may also have a strong desire to masturbate. All perfectly natural. Parents should be careful not to give their sons or daughters in the sense that masturbation and wet dreams are "dirty" or unnatural. Parents more matter-of fact, are about the attitudes of their children will be healthy for her.
Not only physical
It is important that children are made to understand the emotional aspects of sex. Thus, while most schools usually organize a conference on the subject, these conversations tend to be very impersonal and clinical and limited to the physical sex. Teenagers have to understand that the decision of sexual activity should not be a coincidence. A person's first sexual experience is an event of great personal significance and should happen when he or she is prepared. Parents should explain to their children that they can be attracted by several people in your life, some may be mere whim, while others can become long-term relationships. Teens should understand that their bodies are their own to do as they see fit, according to your wishes and after exercise sanity. However, should never have sex or engage in any other form of physical contact under pressure from another person, or to please someone else. There is a common misconception among parents that open communication about sexual feelings and sexual acts have the effect of increasing the likelihood that young people are sexually active. By contrast, parents who discuss sex openly, naturally, are merely equipping their children with the skills needed for when they decide they are ready to become sexually active, take an informed decision and understand its consequences. Many children go through life with warped ideas about sex merely because their parents were too embarrassed to talk about it. These children are left to gather the fragmented information from friends, books and the media and the conclusions they draw need not be correct.