
1. Seek advice from those prevailing in the field about how to become a certified sex therapist. A good place to start is the American Association of Sex Educators and Therapists (AASECT). (See resources below for contact information.)
2. Gain admission to a renowned university offering degrees and / or expertise in human sexuality or sex therapy. To practice as a licensed therapist, must be at least a master's degree in the field (see Resources below).
3. Working with a physician established as an intern. After graduating, he must learn to be a sex therapist, working with someone who can supervise their work and offer ideas on how to improve your technique.
4. Get licensed in your state. No license for the "sex", but the therapy therapy practice, you must be a licensed therapist. Once you have your license, you may specialize in sexual therapy.
5. Certification and is on its way to a lifelong career as a sex therapist.